We guarantee our racquet re-stringing will make you a
Happy Racqueteer!
If you’ve questions please peruse our FAQ, where you’ll find plenty of information.

Racquets are first inspected for cracks and defects that may cause failure when re-strung back to the original or higher tension. Badminton racquets, in particular, with their delicate frame, can become warped. This places high, unbalanced stresses on the racquet that can result in the frame collapsing. Such racquets are rejected.
Grommets that are cracked or worn are replaced, as the string, though strong in tension, will quickly fail if it abrades repeatedly on a rough surface during play.
Importantly, we take great care during stringing not to damage the string, as this will leave an inherent weakness and shorten the service life of the racquet.
Each racquet is photographed to guarantee that we replicate exactly the original stringing. And great care is taken to ensure there are no errors in the string weave.
Collection and Delivery
Strings and Tension
- Badminton Racquets: 25lb – Yonex ‘Hard Feel’ BG65 0.7mm string.
- Squash Racquets: 25lb – Signum Pro Fibre Power 1.2mm string.
- Tennis racquets: 55lb – Signum Pro Ultra Power SF 1.33mm string.
Typically we would string within the range 20lbs – 26lbs. Higher tensions are fine, but only for seasoned players who can accurately connect the shuttle with the reduced ‘sweet spot’ area on the racquet, and who are sufficiently fit as to not get shoulder and elbow injuries from the harder impact. And remember, at higher tensions and smaller sweets-spots it’s imperative to connect with the middle of the string bed or miss-hits will occur along with a high likelihood of string breakage. Higher string tensions don’t automatically equate to a higher standard of play.
Strings come in many varieties, and with all manner of manufacturers’ claims. However, they can be distilled into gauge sizes – 0.7mm, 0.69mm and 0.68mm. In addition they will be smooth or rough depending on whether players are into power shots or seek a high level of control.
The only way for a player a player to find out what works for them is to start off with a practical string and tension combination and adjust this until they find the formula that gives the best results. Remember, you can ascribe a reasonable amount of importance to strings and tension, but what will influence your game more than anything else is …. YOU!
Tennis and Squash racquets are a little more straight forward. Yes, there’re plenty of string options and tension variances. However, unless asked otherwise we’ll string Tennis racquets at 55lbs using Signum Pro Ultra Power SF 1.33mm, and Squash racquets at 25lbs using Signum Pro Fibre Power 1.2mm. Experience has shown that most recreational players find these combinations very acceptable.
My badminton racquet is a little distorted - does it matter?
Some of my grommets are broken - does this matter?
Squash and tennis racquets have integrated grommets that have to be purchased as a set, so that one failed grommet will necessitate a complete set, and the price of these varies.
What happens if my racquet breaks during re-stringing?
I want my racquet strung at a very high tension. Is this possible?
My racquet strings are a little slack – can they be tightened?
What is the turn-round time on getting a racquet strung?
Do I get a discount for several racquets?
Can I bring in multiple racquets for other people to be restrung?
Can I provide my own string?
The strings on my racquet broke after just five games, following restringing.
You’ve re-strung my racquet as requested, but the tension isn’t suitable for me.
How and when do I pay for the re-string?
With cash, BACS or PayPal when dropping off the racquet. If the racquet is being returned by post, then prior payment is required. This can be done by PayPal or BACS transfer. Details will be given when the order is placed.